Create a Maintenance Window to install AV Defender

If you do not want to install AV Defender immediately, you can create a maintenance window to deploy it to the selected devices at a specific time.

  1. Click Views All Devices.
  2. Select the devices and click Add TaskMaintenance Add New Maintenance Window > Scheduled Maintenance - Features.
  3. Enter a name for the maintenance window.
  4. In the Features drop-down list box, select Specific Features and ensure only Check Security Manager is selected.
  5. For the Reboot Method, select a reboot option.
  6. Click the Place device in downtime during reboot check box.
  7. This places the selected devices in a downtime state during the reboot and specify the time before the device is brought out of downtime. N-able N-central will take the device out of downtime if the agent has not reported back for three hours after the re-start began. This will not happen if the device is already in a scheduled downtime period.

  8. In the Schedule Configuration area, for the Action will be taken on the device, click Only during the scheduled window when required, and specify the time the maintenance window should last.
  9. Select the schedule type and click Save.

At the scheduled time, N-able N-central will install AV Defender on the device.