Take Control (N-able N-central) not configured for this device

Last Modified

Mon Dec 14 16:22 GMT 2020


  • When you hover over the Remote Control icon for a device you get the indication "Take Control not configured for this device".


  • N-able N-central
  • Take Control Agent 6.80.00 or later


  • The most likely cause for this is that the initial Take Control Agent installation has failed causing some files or folders to be left behind in a locked status.
  • Subsequent automatic or manual attempts at its installation also fail because these files and folders need to be replaced/updated during the installation process.
  • To determine if this is the cause, please check if the BASupSrvc.exe process is running on the device.
    • If the Device has a Professional license assigned to it, you can use the Direct Support tools for that by going to Tools > Processes and checking if that process is listed there.
  • Forcing a complete uninstall and reinstall will generally correct the problem:
  • If this still fails, the problem might also be caused by the following:
  • If none of those are applicable, pleas contact support.