Why a device is missing the Update Asset Info button

Last Modified

Mon Aug 31 11:35 GMT 2020


  • The Update Asset Info button is missing from the top right corner of the screen.


  • N-able N-central


  • Probe monitored devices or non-Windows devices were manually added to N-able N-central
  • The button is displayed only when a certain table in N-able N-central is populated by a probe
  • It is not there for devices that do not have a discovering probe (or probes).
  • To resolve, please do the following:
    1. In your N-able N-central Dashboard, select Configuration > Asset Discovery > Discovery Jobs
    2. Run a discovery job against the device's IP
  • Doing so would then allow this to populate some of the missing tables in the database
  • The button will be added once the necessary information is discovered.
  • Without a successful discovery, this button will never show up.
    • NOTE: The Update Asset Info option, simply triggers a targeted probe discovery against the device, so a valid discoveyr and associated probe are required.
  • This option was also migrated to a permission in N-able N-central 2020.1. Make sure you have the appropriate roles assigned.
  • Additionally in 2020.1, this button is not available from SYSTEM level.