N-able N-central Backup

Last Modified

Thu Nov 02 01:53 GMT 2017


This article describes how to perform a backup in N-able N-central.


N-able N-central version 10.0 or later


System Backup

Note: The following feature is only available at the System or Product Administrator level. SO and Customer or Site level accounts cannot access this feature.

Backing up the N-able N-central database allows you to create a copy of the database on the N-able N-central server and also upload a copy to an FTP server. This provides a backup from which you can restore the database in the event of a failure or data loss.

When you back up the database, N-able N-central creates both a backup file and a backup digest file. The backup file contains all of the information needed to restore the database. This includes the network, email, and service monitoring settings as well as the historical data (if specified). The backup digest file contains the checksum needed to verify whether or not the backup file has been corrupted.

After the database has been backed up, a copy of the backup file is listed with its corresponding Digest file on the Download Backups screen.

Warning: If you only back up the database on the N-able N-centralserver and do not upload a copy to an FTP server, you may not able to restore the database if the N-able N-centralserver fails. For this reason, N-Able recommends that you download the backup files from the N-able N-centralserver and save it to a separate server.

Note: Depending on the size of your database, the backup can take several seconds or several hours.

Backup Details

Backup File Name

The identifying name of the backup file.

Note: The yyyymmdd-HHMMSS.tgz suffix is automatically appended to the name.

Include Historical Data

Select this check box to include historical data in the backup. This data includes statistics on device statuses and system events and is the bulk of the data used for reports.

Note: Do not select this checkbox if you are only backing up the configuration or if you want to reduce the size of the backup file.

Include Software And Script Repository Data

Select this check box to include the software and script repository data in the backup.

Note: You must select this if you intend to restore the software and script repositories.
Warning! This step may considerably affect the size of the backup, depending on the combined size of the stored scripts and software packages in the repositories.

Backup Schedule


Select the type of schedule for regularly performing the database backup from one of the following options:

  • Off
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly

Start Time

The time at which the backup will be started.

Days of the Week

The weekdays on which the backup will be performed.

Note: This option is only available for Weekly backups.

Days of the Month

The specific dates on which the backup will be performed.

Note: This option is only available for Monthly backups.

Backup Destination FTP Server

Upload copy of Backup to FTP Server.

Enables the uploading of copies of the backup file to an FTP server.

Keep Previous Backup Archive

Retains existing backup files stored on the FTP server.

Server Address

The FQDN or IP address of the FTP server.


The name of the FTP server account.


The security password of the FTP server account.


The path to the folder on the FTP server in which the backup file will be stored.

Example: /home/test/backup/


Notify On

Select Success to send a notification upon the success of the backup. Select Failure to send a notification upon the failure of the backup.

Sender Email Address

The email address from which the notification will be sent.

Recipient Email Address

The email address to which the notification will be sent.

To backup a database:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration > System Backup and Restore > Configure Backups.
  2. In the Configure Backups screen, configure the following properties:
  3. Click Save or Save and Run Backup.