How to Reinstall the Agent using a Scheduled Task from the Probe

Last Modified

Tue Sep 01 20:09 GMT 2020


  • How to Reinstall the Agent using a Scheduled Task from the Probe.



  • N-able N-central


  • Before the below steps try restarting the agent manually.  This can be performed via Take Control if that feature is still allowing access to the device.
  • This is for Professional licenses only
  • Alternatively the Script "Windows Agent - Start/Stop/Restart" can be executed against the device from the Probe.  
  • This approach may lose a small portion of historical data in some instances, but should get the device reporting in again in short order.
  • Step 1 (Service Organization Level)
  1. Select  Actions > Download Agent/Probe,
  2. Select the System Software tab and download the WindowsAgent.exe,
  3. Ensure that the name when downloaded is exactly 'WindowsAgentSetup.exe' as this will be used below, if not edit the name before proceeding to step the next step.
  • Step 2 (Service Organization Level)
  1. Select Configuration > Scheduled Tasks > Script/Software Repository
  2. Select Add > Scripting
  3. Fill in the Name and Description,
  4. Browse to the WindowsAgent.exe you just downloaded and add it,
  5. Command Line Parameters will be as follows (remove any <> when substituting the details):
  • WindowsAgentSetup.exe /s /v" /qn CUSTOMERID=<customerid> SERVERADDRESS=<yourn-centraladdress> CUSTOMERSPECIFIC=1 SERVERPROTOCOL=<protocol> SERVERPORT=<port number> "
  • NOTE: There must not be any spaces between = and the value.  There must be a space between a value and the next entry, and a space after the port number and the last quote (").
    • Example: 
  • NOTE 2: N-able N-central 2020.1 or later requires the use of the registration_token parameter (and an installer of the same or later version).
    • Example: 

      WindowsAgentSetup.exe /s /v" /qn CUSTOMERID=101 SERVERADDRESS= CUSTOMERSPECIFIC=1 SERVERPROTOCOL=HTTPS SERVERPORT=443 REGISTRATION_TOKEN=420a5375-abba-abba-abba-81555dbf8bdf "

  • Step 3 (Customer/Site Level)
  1. Select Configuration > Scheduled Tasks > Add/Delete
  2. Name the task and select the repository item we just created,
  3. Adjust the command line parameters to add the customerid after the = (no spaces between),
  4. Task Handler Tab, ensure the probe is being used rather than "Agent where available" or the job will fail,
  5. Targets: Select your target device(s) as works best for you,
  6. The CustomerID can be found as "Access Code" from the following locations:
  7. Customer: SO Level > Administration > Customers
  8. Site: Customer Level > Administration > Sites
  • Note: If the wrong customerid is used it will install the agent into the other customer and you will need to move the device.
    • This can cause problems with rules and other configuration settings of the device so ensuring the correct customerid is used will save some further problems.
  • Step 4 (Customer/Site Level)
  1. Repeat this process for any customer sites that need the agent forced to them.