Error 1923 when installing Windows Agent

Last Modified

Thu Oct 25 13:58 GMT 2018


  • This document shows how to resolve an issue with installing a Windows Agent and you get error 1923.
  • This is due to a previous install that left the Windows Agent Service and or Windows Agent Maintenance Service and the Installer could not remove it.


  • N-able N-central 10.0+


  • To confirm this is the issue:
    • From an Admin Command prompt on that system:
    • run services.msc and look for Windows Agent Service and Windows Agent Maintenance Service
  • If you see both or one of these services, will need to remove it manually by performing these steps.
  1. Exit services.msc
  2. Close all open mmc.exe processes by typing in the Admin Command Prompt: Taskkill /im mmc.exe /f
  3. From the Admin Command Prompt then type the following commands: (one per line): sc delete "Windows Agent Service" and sc delete "Windows Agent Maintenance Service"
  4. Confirm the service(s) we deleted are actually deleted by typing in the same Admin Command prompt: sc query "Windows Agent Service" andsc query "Windows Agent Maintenance Service"
  5. If the sc query returns 'marked for deletion' - you will need to reboot the system for windows to delete the service.
  6. Once the sc query is shows ok (either deleted or [SC] EnumQueryServicesStatus:OpenService FAILED 1060: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.). Retry the installation running as admin and you should be able to install the agent now.