Create a new user account

When you create a new user account, you provide them with access to N-ableMe.

  1. Click MyAccount > New User.

  2. Enter the user's information, first and last name, email address (their username), contact number, and then select one of the following permissions from the User Type menu:

    • Standard – cannot manage access or permissions for other users
    • Admin – can manage access and permissions for standard-level users

    • Owner – can grant and manage access for standard, admin, and owner-level users

  3. If the user needs access to invoice and payment details, check the Billing box.
  4. Click Save to create the new account, add it to the system, and send an activation email to the user's designated email address.

The user should receive an activation email with a link to set up a password and complete the account activation process. After the password is set, the user can log in to N-ableMe with their new credentials.